Consideration will be given to those registered charities which share the objectives of the Memorial Trust together with the ethos Dominic and Joseph lived by to serve others. Priority will be given to smaller projects without access to larger funding pools.
Criteria for allocation of funds
All the following inclusion criteria include the two target groups as identified in our aims.
- Projects which promote mental health
- Projects which demonstrate meaningful impact with clear direction in terms of interventions
- Innovative projects with potential for sustainable change in mental health and recovery
- Innovative multidisciplinary mental health projects
- Research projects which promote awareness or identify strategies that promote mental health
- Projects which practice development and research in the area of recovery and rehabilitation in mental illness
- Projects that deliver sustained therapeutic creative and outdoor activities which promote mental health
- Individuals not representing an organisation (ie MUST be a registered charity)
- Non-specific requests for general funds (rather than specific projects)
- Under 18s
- Organic conditions (parkinson’s, terminal illness, dementia) as primary condition
- Applications that focus on acute (vs long-term) mental disorder as primary condition
- Learning difficulties as primary condition
- Substance misuse as primary cause
- Stand-alone research (individuals working in isolation, eg for a qualification or self-directed project)
Applications will be reviewed quarterly. In 2023 we anticipate to review applications in March, June, September and December.
If your organisation would like to make an application for funding, please download and fill in the application form which can be sent via email to