Author: Tilly Shields
An interview with Bennett Carr….
Written by Sarah El-Tonsy, following an interview with Bennett Carr Bennet Carr, headmaster of King Edward VI School in Stratford-upon-Avon, has had a significant career, leading him to touch the lives of many of his students – one being Joseph Harris. Whilst his connection to the charity had been established from knowing Joseph…
April FOCUS…
Focus NewsletterApril 2024 Welcome to the April edition of FOCUS and details of Beder charity, whom we have supported for the first time with a grant towards Therapy Vouchers. Beder was set up in January 2020 to increase awareness around mental health and suicide prevention. Sophia Chowdry writes about suicide prevention in our…
March FOCUS…
Focus NewsletterMarch 2024 Welcome to the March edition of FOCUS and our charity, Off the Fence, which we have recently supported with £5000 to cover two projects, Antifreeze and Gateway. You can read a report on how our grant has impacted these projects, as well as their latest impact report, marking 25 years as…
February FOCUS…
Focus NewsletterFebruary 2024 Welcome to the February edition of FOCUS, which includes two contributions from our Interns – an interview with Bennet Carr by Sarah El-Tonsy and a mental health feature on eating disorders by Sophia Chowdry. Our charity for this month is tastelife, which helps people break free of eating disorders by…
January FOCUS…
Focus NewsletterJanuary 2024 Welcome to the January edition of FOCUS, which introduces our new Council of Reference members. This month we feature Break, a charity working across East Anglia, supporting some of the most vulnerable young people in society. This is the first year we have supported this charity. We include more details of our fundraising events for 2024,…
December FOCUS…
Focus NewsletterDecember 2023 Welcome to the December edition of FOCUS, which includes a roundup of a very successful year, introduces our seven new Interns from KES and gives you some dates to put in your diary for our fundraising events for 2024. Our featured charity is Grow for Life, a social and therapeutic gardening charity, working throughout Bath and…
Break charity introduction…
Break has worked across East Anglia for over 60 years, supporting some of the most vulnerable young people in society. Originally founded to give holidays to families whose children have disabilities, Break has grown and evolved. Now their focus is primarily young people who have been taken into care. Break provides safe and loving homes…
Meet our interns!
Venice Marathon victory!
Venice Marathon October 23rd 2023 A great effort for Ben Carr running his first Marathon in the beautiful city of Venice. Despite considerable heat, Ben kept his cool and achieved his target of sub-four hours with a sizzling time of 3 hours 52 minutes. Intrepid travellers and supporters Josh, Miranda and Roy were there to…