November 18th
The exhibition, held at the Levi Fox Hall, King Edward VI School, Stratford on Avon, was opened by Cllr Jason Fojtik the deputy Mayor of Stratford and included a selection of seven oil paintings from the original and talented artist Nathan McAdam Freud, a direct descendent of Lucian Michael Freud, known as one of the foremost 20th-century English artists. The private viewing was well-attended and Nathan was delighted to sell two of his oil impasto abstract paintings, The Arc 3 and Absorbed, Absolved, of which 50% of sale proceeds have gone towards the BHMT charity. Behind the scenes, a team of family and friends produced a splendid spread. The Trustees would like to take this opportunity to thank the following for their contribution, without which the event would not have been possible. From KES, headmaster Ben Carr, Assistant head Rachel Biggs, Estate manager Paul Bindley and his colleagues David Troughton and John Thrupp, who were instrumental in the imaginative display of the paintings, new interns Catherine Edwards, Sarah El-Tonsy and ….. On the bar, Georgie Szanto and Nigel Ford; in charge of pizzas, David Beer and overall in charge of a fabulous array of sweet treats, Esther Beer supported by Naomi Beer, Kaye Heming, Alice Crane and Sarah Buttrick. A special thank you to Lucy Fothergill, Daisy Barrow and seven students from Warwick University Lacrosse team for their support with more cakes and help during the evening. Local singer and guitarist, Matt Buckley made his debut appearance, with a selection of classic soul and pop to end the event in a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere. The evening raised over £5000 and helped launch the future career of Nathan.

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