Category: Projects

  • tastelife December 2023

    The tastelife charity was formed in 2014 with the aim of getting help for recovery from eating disorders to more people, more of the time. It was founded by Di Archer and Jean Hart, two mums who have both had daughters who had eating disorders. With a growing staff team, tastelife is committed to changing…

  • Oakleaf September 2023

    Oakleaf is a charity that aims to transform lives through the provision of wellbeing activities, work-related training, employment support and counselling. Please read how they are using our funds below: Operating in the heart of Guildford for over 25 years, Oakleaf Enterprise is an accessible mental health charity supporting hundreds of vulnerable and disadvantaged adults in the…

  • Music In Hospitals & Care September 2023

    Professional musicians share live music with thousands of people who may not otherwise get to experience it. The live music they create improves people’s mental, physical and emotional health. Please read how they are using our funds below:

  • Break Charity September 2023

    Break works across East Anglia making life better for young people on the edge of care, in care and leaving care. Please read how they are using our funds below:

  • Hope Into Action July 2023

    Hope into Action is a registered charity founded in 2010 whose unique purpose is to enable churches to house the homeless. Please read how they are using our funds below: Matt Morton, Cambridge Team Leader reports from our featured charity, Hope into Action. “We are extremely grateful to The Beer-Harris Memorial Trust for funding our…

  • Just Life June 2023

    Charity advocating for people who are hidden homeless and living in temporary accommodation. Please read how they are using our funds below:

  • Supported Projects April 2022-March 2023

    Here are the grant reports we received from supported charities using money that the BHMT has donated.