
  • Council of Reference

    An introduction to our new council of reference members: Niall-Day Sawyer – Technical Advisor Esther Beer – Social Media Advisor Peter Snodgrass – Legal Advisor Bennet Carr – Fundrarising Advisor Nigel Ford – Sales and Marketing Advisor Read this months addition of FOCUS to learn more about our new members. We are excited to welcome…

  • Grow For Life December 2023

    Grow for Life is a social and therapeutic gardening charity, working throughout Bath and towns and villages across North East Somerset. Their vision is to see a world where people experiencing low confidence, anxiety, depression or isolation are restored to live life to the full. Their purpose is to nurture people so that they flourish.…

  • January FOCUS…

     Focus NewsletterJanuary 2024  Welcome to the January edition of FOCUS, which introduces our new Council of Reference members. This month we feature Break, a charity working across East Anglia, supporting some of the most vulnerable young people in society. This is the first year we have supported this charity. We include more details of our fundraising events for 2024,…

  • December FOCUS…

    Focus NewsletterDecember 2023   Welcome to the December edition of FOCUS, which includes a roundup of a very successful year, introduces our seven new Interns from KES and gives you some dates to put in your diary for our fundraising events for 2024. Our featured charity is Grow for Life, a social and therapeutic gardening charity, working throughout Bath and…

  • New trustee: Georgina Szanto!

    We are very grateful to be joined by Georgina Szanto as our new trustee! A bit about our new trustee:

  • Break charity introduction…

    Break has worked across East Anglia for over 60 years, supporting some of the most vulnerable young people in society.  Originally founded to give holidays to families whose children have disabilities, Break has grown and evolved.  Now their focus is primarily young people who have been taken into care.  Break provides safe and loving homes…

  • Meet our interns!

  • tastelife December 2023

    The tastelife charity was formed in 2014 with the aim of getting help for recovery from eating disorders to more people, more of the time. It was founded by Di Archer and Jean Hart, two mums who have both had daughters who had eating disorders. With a growing staff team, tastelife is committed to changing…

  • ”Sessions with Beer, Harris and Freud”

    November 18th The exhibition, held at the Levi Fox Hall, King Edward VI School, Stratford on Avon, was opened by Cllr Jason Fojtik the deputy Mayor of Stratford and included a selection of seven oil paintings from the original and talented artist Nathan McAdam Freud, a direct descendent of Lucian Michael Freud, known as one of…

  • Venice Marathon victory!

    Venice Marathon October 23rd 2023 A great effort for Ben Carr running his first Marathon in the beautiful city of Venice. Despite considerable heat, Ben kept his cool and achieved his target of sub-four hours with a sizzling time of 3 hours 52 minutes. Intrepid travellers and supporters Josh, Miranda and Roy were there to…